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What is a Music Champion?
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Start Your Journey

Start Your Journey
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Music Cafes

Music Cafes
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Caring Through Music

Caring Through Music
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BBC One ‘Dementia, Music and Us’

Manchester Camerata
BBC One Dementia Music and Us 640x320
BBC One Dementia Music and Us 1200x480

Watch ‘Dementia, Music and Us’, a documentary about our work with people living with dementia.

This 30-minute documentary follows Keith, who attends our Music Café in Wigan. Keith was diagnosed with dementia when he was 53 and along with his partner, Joan, he has been attending our music-making workshops for people living with dementia for over five years. Watch their story and see the crucial positive impact our music-making sessions have made on their lives.

Watch it any time after the broadcast, anywhere in the UK, via the BBC iplayer by clicking here.

Watch Dementia, Music and Us >

Find out more about our music and dementia work >